Sunday, January 18, 2009


Here are the pajamas I've been working on for the kiddos and the girl's dolls! I have to watch them unwrap them in a couple minutes, so I'll add more comments later...



Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas with the Mathisons!

Christmas with the Mathisons is always a fun time... Here are some highlights! Just don't ask how our buns are looking or what we spread on them.

Aaren with his new satchel he can use student teaching. He's almost ready to be licensed to go out and corrupt tomorrow's youth!

Loren shows his affection for all Kubotas.

Carrie models 2009's upcoming fashions.

Look! Grandpa can use a digital camera!

Keith caught Grandpa by surprise.

And mom can use her bucket!!

Christmas - "Santa was Lazy"

Santa didn't wrap half the presents he left! But in his defense, the wheelbarrow is hard to wrap, and Ruthie didn't really care.
Keith helped get things ready for going up to Minnesota. He especially helped in modeling my mother's present - a bucket to keep her quilting stuff together and ready to go!

Catching up...

And here is a picture and video from November (so the month doesn't feel left out before I get to the pictures of December! I think this was on the day we had Katie's birthday party.

Here's a video of them!! Watch JT make a run for it!