Sunday, August 8, 2010

Keith Racing Four Wheelers

We went over to a friend's house last night, and they had a couple four wheelers. Tony asked if Keith wanted to race...........

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Today is the 7th anniversary of my liver transplant. Yeay for me! Here is a cake I made. It's strawberry with strawberry frosting.

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Stormy Weather

We had some rough weather the last couple of days but it made for some pretty pictures!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I figured since ihave this nifty cool phone i should put it to good use. let's see if this works!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obama visit to Quincy

Obama 'visited' Quincy this week. Here are a couple pictures Keith got. The Riot police were Keith's favorite part, but luckily they were only there for a short time and weren't really needed. I also got to see him drive down Maine Street. My boss let us us go watch him and his motorcade. I don't think they stayed under the 30 mph speed limit... I tried to get some video but my phone was being stupid. My boss, Jodie, was able to get some on her phone. Here's a link, I hope it works. (click on it)!/video/video.php?v=1419604099898

Mini Golf with Mom & Glenda

Here are some pictures of us playing mini golf while Mom & Glenda came to visit a couple weeks ago.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

JT's Vest

Here are some pictures of a vest I made J.T. and gave it to him for his birthday. Isn't it cute? Hopefully he'll like the FOUR pockets that are on it. He should be able to fit a car in each of them! I also put on orange tags since his favorite color is orange.

Here's the front:

Here's the back:

Here's a close-up shot of the zipper pocket.

Patriotic Wall Hanging

Here's a kit mom gave me for a wall-hanging. Glenda and Mom sewed it together, but I did the quilting and binding around the edges. I even handstitched the binding to the back so it looks neat. That was a lot of work, but since it was a small project, it wasn't too bad.

Another shot:

The back:

Up Close - here you can see my machine quilting:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow...And More Snow...

I'm not sure how much snow we've had, but here are some pictures. There is now at least 6 inches of snow in our yard. You can see in the first one Ruthie has been making paths where we have been throwing the ball. We did that while Keith was using the snowblower to clean up the sidewalks and the neighbor's driveway. I also shoveled the sidewalk three times and made a snowman!!


Here are the pants that I have been working on . They are Vogue 1051. They are very comfy. :-) I am wearing them with a shirt I made as well this winter. Simplicity 4076. Sorry the pictures are sideways. I was too lazy to make them look right, and I don't think I can do it from the Interent blog thing. Also, the pants wrinkle really easily. :-(