Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm back!

Hello, folks!

No, I haven't been ignoring you - just busy with the house and work. I got to get out of the office this week. Flew to Dallas by way of San Antonio on Sunday. Visited with a major customer of mine on Monday. Monday night I flew to NW Arkansas (and no, I didn't see any hillbillies!) so Tuesday I could meet with a couple more "chicken pluckers" that use our products. Wednesday, took a 6:00 a.m. flight (YUCK!) to Atlanta, met with a couple more customers and then flew out of Nashville, TN Thursday morning...

So, yeah. I'm a little tired, but had a great time and learned a lot about the poultry industry, since that's what most of my customers in that area do.

Keith was left at home, but he got a lot done on the house. Look what I came home to - DRYWALL! He's got a little bit to get finished, but we've started mudding a little bit. These pictures are current as of last night.

Also, we had been working on trying to get the living room painted so we can get the piano moved in. However, we came to a problem. Ceiling took awhile, but it's done (after three coats of paint and one of primer). Then, when priming the wall, part of it started to bubble - basically where the previous owners had screwed the t.v to the wall (and left a big gaping hole for me to patch). After looking at it, I tried to find where the "bubble" ended, but ended up peeling the latex paint off like a fruit-rollup off it's waxy wrap thing. Not good! I did some research, and I guess when the previous owners took the wall paper off the wall, they exposed the plaster covered with calcamine paint.

Back in the day, you had to let the plaster 'cure' for 30 days or so before you could paint it. Using this calcamine paint (made from calcium carbonate/limestone), they could paint it right away. However, not much sticks to it and reacts to water. The only way to REALLY get rid of it is to scrape off all the paint and scrub the walls with TSP. We're going to try to just do it in that one location and then maybe go over it with an oil based primer (?). Anyway, we've decided that we're just going to shift our focus on the kitchen and maybe move the piano to a temporary spot in another room until we get that problem solved.

By the way - that hospital green color is the primer, the actual paint color will be much more pleasant. :-)

But we're hoping to move this weekend. We're getting our appliances on Monday! Yeay!! Not that I'll really be able to use the stove or the dishwasher...but I have them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

House Update

Here are some pictures we took last night. Keith framed the door in last week and even did it the right way by putting in the header! (By the way, Mom & Dad - if you see Lynn Tienter, please tell him "Thank you" for me! :-) He taught Keith how to do most of this stuff). But we just need to level out the floor where the cabinets go (to make up for the wood flooring, the five layers of linoleum and the Pergo on the rest of the floor...) and electrical stuff and we should be set to drywall!

And in the living room, I've been working on the walls. They are plaster and someone made LOTS of drippies ALL over the stinkin' walls and where they filled in the cracks, they left big marks. So I'm sanding them out and filling in the big holes. I am sooooo sick of sanding! That is all I have been doing to the past week.

Sarah's Birthday

It was our niece's birthday a week or so ago. We got to go bowling with all of Sarah's friends Saturday morning - Katie was so cute to watch dance after she'd roll the ball.
And then we had a fun supper on Sunday night, complete with "Chicken ala Sewer" and S'mores. Yumm!