Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's like Christmas!

This weekend we "moved" - we're still technically not moved out of the little yellow house (lots of stuff still there..) but we are sleeping and 'eating' in "The Big House." Notice I said eating - and not necessarily preparing meals! We have set up a temporary "snack room" as the nieces call it. And Monday we received our appliances so we at least have a fridge and microwave now! I think I am going to LOVE my microwave! I made a breakfast sandwich in it this morning - and much better texture than the one I made in our other microwave. Lots of magical buttons on it, as well as the "Turbo Fan." Man, you can almost dry your hair with that sucker...

And our fridge should be wonderful, as well. I have told myself not to think about the stove, because that will just make me want to bake! I can't wait until I pop out that first pie!! (Haven't decided what kind to make first, though - apple, cherry, pumpkin?) Oh and the dishwasher. What Dishwasher? You mean that thing in the box that I'm keeping hidden from view? :-P The cool thing about our stove, though, is that it was dented in the rear bottom right corner. We got yet another 10% off for keeping it! Yeay! (And no one will ever know because it will be hidden by cabinets.)

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