Monday, August 10, 2009

cRaZy PuMpKiNs

I have my "quilt" top done! Here is a picture of it. Well, at least before the border and binding and stuff... Oh, why do they make these quilts so complicated!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What I've been up to now that I'm unemployed

My glads are blooming by the garage - we planted 100 bulbs we picked up at Sam's. They are a weedy mess - hopefully Keith can sneak out some mulch from work for free and make them look better.

The garden is also weedy, as the crabgrass has snuck up on me. I'm going to go out there today with some soap & vinegar - I heard it will kill weeds if it touches the leaves. (But I will stay away from my real plants!!!) I have two tomato plants that are doing very well and I ate my first grape tomato this week. We also took off a big bell pepper.

Yesterday morning, I helped a neighbor search for her dog that ran away when she let go of the leash. Her dogs are ALWAYS getting loose, but I felt bad just sitting on my butt drinking my coffee on my porch watching her. I ended up taking a second walk for the day and never found the stinkin' dog.

I've been doing some stuff in the yard - Mowed lawn for the first time in years. Didn't run into too many things with that zero-turn radius thing.... hee hee.

And of course, the sewing...I've been working on the layered tank top view of THIS. I had some fabric (below) I bought a couple weeks ago at Wal-Mart for $2 a yard. Should be cute when I'm done.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mendon's Motorcycle Show

This weekend, Mendon had their 175th anniversary party. There was mud volleyball (yick...) lots of food, funnelcakes, and we got to meet a few neighbors. They also had a car and motorcycle show. Keith decided to enter his bike! He showed up, paid his $5 entry fee and guess what he ended up with... 2 x $10 gift certificates to the Harley shop in Quincy (he's thinking of getting a full-face helmet so that will come in handy), and he won 2nd prize AND Mayor's choice in the Motorcycle division. For winning Mayor's choice, they also got a car care kit. Sweet! Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive...

Well, maybe I'll start "blogging" again. I've been having some issues as I downloaded a newer version of Photoshop on my computer... and my 6 year old computer barely meets the minimum it takes to run it, so editing photos so it's easier for you to see them on the Internet takes longer than it used to! Maybe if I start being good extra early this year, Santa will put me on his extra-good list and I will get a computer for Christmas. It would be a toss up between that or a water softener.

Anyway, here is a link to some photos we posted of our trip to St. Louis... And if anyone wants an absolutely phenomenal steak, Carmines is definitely worth every penny you pay (and it's a lot of pennies...).

We've been having birds at our bird feeder. Just in the past week we saw a set of Cardinals (male and female), Blue Jay, Blue Bird, Red/House Finch?, a couple woodpeckers, Titmouse, and of course the common ones (Robin, Starlings, Pigeons, sparrows).

My garden still only has peas and potatoes, but they are huge and I noticed today the potatoes are already blossoming. They seem to be loving all the rain we have been getting. I have purchased some tomatoes and peppers and a couple other things and need to get them planted some time soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


Check this out - we made news today! Won't affect my job any, except to make it crazier! :-p

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Here are the pajamas I've been working on for the kiddos and the girl's dolls! I have to watch them unwrap them in a couple minutes, so I'll add more comments later...



Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas with the Mathisons!

Christmas with the Mathisons is always a fun time... Here are some highlights! Just don't ask how our buns are looking or what we spread on them.

Aaren with his new satchel he can use student teaching. He's almost ready to be licensed to go out and corrupt tomorrow's youth!

Loren shows his affection for all Kubotas.

Carrie models 2009's upcoming fashions.

Look! Grandpa can use a digital camera!

Keith caught Grandpa by surprise.

And mom can use her bucket!!

Christmas - "Santa was Lazy"

Santa didn't wrap half the presents he left! But in his defense, the wheelbarrow is hard to wrap, and Ruthie didn't really care.
Keith helped get things ready for going up to Minnesota. He especially helped in modeling my mother's present - a bucket to keep her quilting stuff together and ready to go!

Catching up...

And here is a picture and video from November (so the month doesn't feel left out before I get to the pictures of December! I think this was on the day we had Katie's birthday party.

Here's a video of them!! Watch JT make a run for it!