Sunday, June 15, 2008


Just wanted to let everyone know, that even with the flooding on the Mississippi, we should be OK, as we live on the highest point in the county. :-) Keith's golf course is high enough, it won't be affected, though I've heard that if the levee breaks down below them, you can watch it from the shop and watch the trees just disappear...

The office I work at is only 1.3 miles from the River, but our Levee is at 37' and did not break in '93. The river is expected to crest at 32' (or that's what I last heard) - the same height it did in '93. The levee on the Missouri side is, I think they said 35', so if anything , it will break on the Missouri side. The road I drive to work on every day is closed at the moment, probably from flooding. I'll try to take a camera tomorrow and maybe be dorky enough to take pictures.

Lots of people are sandbagging - the parking lot for the Oakley Lindsey Center (where Keith's play was at...) looks like a beach. Lots of dump trucks of sand going every where around town.

We have two bridges going from Quincy, IL to West Quincy, MO. They shut down the one bridge, so they now have the one bridge - one lane of traffic going both directions. I have one coworker who lives in Missouri. Apparently after the big levee broke in 1993, the waters came within 7-8 feet of their house. Let's hope that some idiot doesn't break it again this time... Apparently some guy broke the levee in hopes of making sure his wife wouldn't come home that night. Yeah. He's supposedly in jail right now.

Obama was in town yesterday to do some wonderful PR work... I guess he filled a couple sandbags, but not much else.

Prince has a plant in Marion, IA - which is pretty much connected to Cedar Rapids. They are on higher ground and were OK, and most employees were safe as well. However, there was only one route for trucks to get in on Friday, but it was definitely better than none!!!

If you want to keep tabs on everything in Quincy, the NBC station here is

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