Sunday, April 13, 2008

We're getting closer!

So, we are getting closer to possibly kinda finishing the kitchen. We're starting to work on the smaller details, like putting the plates on the electrical outlets, cleaning up some trim, cutting some quarter round for around the trim, etc. Today I primed the built-in cabinet in the kitchen. I won't let you have any peeks at it until I'm done. It will be a beautiful surprise!! :-) But we do have a couple things to show you! We finally found some stools for our island. Perhaps now we can eat there instead of our couch... (our "dining table" is currently holding Keith's computer - and if it was in the kitchen, it would just be in the way for painting, etc... Aren't the stools cute? What's even better was the price - they were Clearanced @ Shopko for $18 a piece. Yeay!! They're pretty comfy too - lots of room for a big butt.

Also, we got this light up in the corner of the room. We're not quite sure why there was a light there to begin with, but we found one to put here instead of just covering it up.

Work's starting to speed up for Keith, though the past couple days have not been good for growing grass - it snowed both yesterday and today, but not enough to stick. It's supposed to be in the 70s by the end of this week, though! Prince sponsored Karaoke at another Country Club (yes, there are three in town...) and we went to that. Had a fun time, and Keith sang a couple songs. He managed to not embarass himself too bad so I can still face my coworkers on Monday morning. It was also nice to hang out with my coworkers, my boss & the spouses - especially since my boss was out all week. He had a heart attack last weekend - he is only 48, & plays raquetball three times a week, so it was quite a surprise!!

Anyway, I need to take a shower. I got a lot of paint in my hair so it looks like I'm an old lady. :-)

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