Sunday, April 6, 2008

We've got internet!

Keith & I finally got internet this weekend. It's still very slow, but it is better than nothing. We've spent the past day or so updating our computers because we were so behind on everything!!

Well, I said I would have pictures up by Monday - hee hee. I didn't say WHICH Monday! I just haven't had time while I was at work, and a couple days I forgot the USB cable to hook my camera up to the computer. But here are pictures of the bathroom. We've still got to paint the ceiling and put up the molding around the top. We'll get that done after we're done with the kitchen. By the way - check out my caulking job! I have found a new talent!

We're still working on the kitchen. We got sick of painting (after 4 coats + 2 coats of primer) and finally went to another brand of paint. We are finishing that up this afternoon. Jesse, I think you've got us converted to Benjamin Moore paint. It's quite spendy (though I flirted with the guy at the paint store enough to give us a 10% discount on paint since we've got a lot of rooms left) but it's SOOOO worth it. Hopefully soon we'll get the trim done and I will have finished pictures!!!

Here's some pictures from JT's first birthday. What a cutie (though slightly messy in these pictures!)

Weather has been quite rainy down here, but no flooding, but this weekend was nice. Everybody's yard seems to be perking up - ours is, well, quite weedy and bumpy. We'll have to work on that some year, but I imagine it will be a couple before the yard looks halfway decent. We decided to start taking down the apple trees in our yard. They are in a weird spot and were never trimmed properly so they are diseased. They didn't give us any apples last year, so we don't know what kind they are. But after one cut, our chainsaw decided to poop out. Oops. I guess we've got a project for next weekend. :-)

Critters are doing OK. Ruthie is excited the weather is nice so she can play out side more. We've been watching the birds at our bird feeder. Just today we saw robins, pigeons, blackbirds, grackels, red-headed finches, chickadees and who knows what else. I need to get a bird book so I can figure out what they are... Hopefully the goldfinches will be here soon. Randy is also watching them out our windows. And speaking of Randy, someone feels bad that the doll house I used as a kid isn't being used any more. Or maybe he likes the color pink. ??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe ... yup, i absolutely LOVE painting my walls with BM ... hmm ... maybe that's a sentence that shouldn't use an acronym for Benjamin Moore :P LMAO ... yup, it's expensive, but it's by FAR my favorite paint ... I use nothing else (except for oil-based primer, I do switch to Sherwin Williams for odorless and Killz for outside)

oh, and welcome to the 1990's ... the Internet has come quite a ways since you guys last had it at home ... I'm not sure Keith will be able to catch up :P LOL