Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Big One Didn't Get Away!

We finally found a good fishing hole, not too far from Mendon in the middle of a farmer's ground. Cute little lake about 1 acre big and far enough from everything there is hardly any cell phone reception! It kind of reminds me of a Bob Ross painting - lots of happy little trees, and the lake is very clean. The whole gang went fishing one Sunday (a few weeks ago, actually - I'm a little behind!) including the nieces and nephew!

I caught the first, but Keith probably caught the most and definitely the biggest! Last fish of the day was a 5 or 6 pound catfish. He was trying to get some crappie on his smallest pole with 4 pound test, so it was quite a surprise for him! It took him about 15-20 minutes to real it in, and even then he had to jump in the water to make sure it got on land!
Sarah has learned how to cast. We went fishing a gain last weekend (though not the succes the other day was) and she has even graduated to a big grown up pole!We brought lots of fishies home that weekend and cleaned them. We ate them up last night. Yum.

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